world Tokyo Hong Kong Berlin New York Los Angels

Aren't you still buying the expensive parts?

We have our own information and logistics network.

If you have any price or delivery problem?
We will meet your demands by our own multi delivery system.
We carry a lot of semiconductors and electronic components.

We can find the difficulty to obtain goods.

We deal with the discontinued parts you are looking for.
Hundreds of parts we have, so please try our stock search first!

Do you have any unnecessary I/C products?

We buy the I/C products which became unnecessary with cash.
Please feel free to contact us from [Contact Us] page.


Please input part number and push the following [Stock Search] button.
・Special characters in the string are ignored.
 [space ( ) . , / - #]
・The search result will be displayed up to 50 items per page in alphabetical order.

Usage Guidance for Stock Search

It is full of the discontinued parts information of various manufacturers.
Please feel free to contact us.
We will offer you some profitable information.

We are on purchase of your unnecessary parts.

If there is unnecessary or excess stock in your company,we would like to buy that.
Please contact us. We will decide at once and pay in cash.

Welcome electronic parts supplier.


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